Colombia’s pursuit of market liberalization has resulted in sustained economic growth: in 2012 the country’s GDP grew by 4 percent. The United States and Colombia’s healthy economic relationship is exemplified by the May 2012 implementation of the U.S.-Colombia Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA). In 2012, U.S. goods exports to Colombia totaled USD 16 billion. Goods imports from Colombia totaled USD 25 billion, bringing the balance of trade to a U.S. deficit of USD 8 billion. Top U.S. goods exports to Colombia include mineral fuel, machinery, electrical machinery, organic chemicals, and aircraft. Goods imports from Colombia most frequently consist of mineral fuel and oil, precious stones, spices, coffee and tea, live trees and plants, and edible fruits and nuts. |
Priority Sectors
Industry sectors identified so far as priorities include construction equipment, oil and gas machinery, textiles, processed food and beverage, information technology and communications, and appliances. Additional sectors may be added based on interest from the private sector in either country.
Colombia Delegation Visit and Workshop on Regulatory Coherence and Convergence
January 19, 2018, Washington DC
ANDEAN-Mexican delegation visit to the U.S.
December 4-10, 2016, Washington, D.C, Detroit, MI, and Corinth, MS
Workshop on Automotive Standards and Regulations in the Americas
COPANT April 18-22, 2016, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Regulatory Impact Analysis — Concepts and Good Practices
April 6, 2016, Bogota, Colombia
COLOMBIA Orientation visit to Washington, D.C.
November 30 – December 3, 2015, Washington, DC
May 12-13, 2015, Bogota, Colombia
Work plan– finalized in early 2014
August 2013, Bogota, Colombia: Joint assessment meetings conducted
Relevant Agreements and Regional Organizations
- WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
- U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA)
- Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT)
- Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC)
- Inter-American Metrology System (SIM)
Additional information